There are 106 different types of Cooperative Societies in the District having participation of more than twelve thousand families related with the subject. The Marketing Cooperative Society, Fruit Growers Cooperative Marketing & Processing Society Ltd; Kargil, Consumer Cooperative Stores and Primary Agriculture Societies are playing a vital role in the marketing of Consumer / processing of fruit products / furnishing items and arrangement of fertilizer for the purpose and at present position of the Cooperative Institutions scattered in far-flung areas throughout the District.
The Marketing Cooperative Society Ltd; Kargil after arranging the fertilizer stocking at Block Headquarters and also arranges the distribution of fertilizer to the farmers through Consumer Cooperative Stores / Primary Agriculture Societies in every villages of the District. Till 1993-94, the Fertilizer Companies used to supply of Fertilizer on credit basis and the sale proceeds being remitted after conducting the sale of the stock. At present the Fertilizer companies declined to supply Fertilizer on credit and demanded advance payment for supply/procurement of Fertilizer. Since the Societies of this District are not in a position to arrange funds for advance payment, they are availing cash credit loan from the Bank to the tune of Rs, 70 to 80 lacs and the likely interest of the Bank till liquidation of loan comes to Rs, 8 to 10 lacs annually, which is provided from the District Plan Fund.
Out of the total Nine (9) consumer Cooperative Stores Seven (7) Consumer Stores are functional in the District. The Consumer Stores arrange essential Commodities, furnishing items at reasonable rates made available to the public and plays a vital role in checking the market rates and ensure availability of essential Commodities especially during winter months.
The Meat Dealer Cooperative Society Ltd; Kargil is playing a vital role in making availability of meat particularly during the winter months
The fruit Growers Cooperative Marketing & Processing Society Ltd; Kargil is providing / processing local fruit products like Dry Apricot, Apricot Cornel, Apricot Oil, Apricot Pulp, Apricot Jam / Juice and beverages, as year about 4000 Tonnes of biter Apricots are wastage every. The Society has also introduced Sea-buck thorn pulp and processed Sea-buck thorn Juice in the District.
During the scarcity of fresh vegetable / fruits in winter season when all means of communication remains cut-off from rest of the country except Air. Cooperative department has played a vital role in the supply of fresh vegetable / fruits to facilitate the general public in the Town via Chandigarh, Leh in winter season
Out of 81 Pry. Agriculture Cooperative Societies 53 are functional in the District and the Societies arrange essential Commodities and fertilizer in every villages of the District and during the winter season supply of fresh vegetable/fruits from Chandigarh by Air via Leh to facilitate the general public in the Town.
The Milk Cooperative Society Ltd; Tambis procured fresh milk from the farmers and its sale in the market at reasonable rate. Sale of milk conduct 9740 Liters upto ending March, 2014.
The Transport Cooperative Society Ltd; Kargil is functioning in the District deals with Civil / Army supplies and in freight transaction of Rs, 282.44 crores during the year 2013-14 and Rs, 278.00 crores upto ending 09/2013.